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Rape Culture

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A lot of times, people often say that rape cannot occur between spouses, but this is false. This is because rape is any form of forced sexual activities without consent.
Rape culture in Nigeria is one of the many atrocities that is blown over and isn't talked about. It is often neglected and isn't seen as prominent compared to the other problems currently looming over Nigeria.
An awful truth about rape is it is often imposed by people around the victims, for example, a child being raped by a neighbor. Rapists tend to find prey within their vicinity, in minors and underaged, and in victims they know they can control. A rapist who takes advantage of a minor is called a paedophile. Paedophiles are scums that are sexually attracted to children and underaged, (0-17), paedophilic tendencies are disgusting and frowned upon in the society.
Although, victims of all types of rape often become isolated from society, depressed and affected by the trauma, they find it close to impossible to speak out about it. This is because of the stigma that is attached to the tag of "being raped". Rape victims often fear that people would not want to associate with them if they come out to tell their story, and so numerous rapists often go scot free.
Furthermore, a change in narrative is needed in our society, we need to change our mentality that rape victims can be the cause of their assault, many a time, people tend to sway towards a rape victims mode of dressing as the reason said victim was raped, this is false, victims are never the cause of their assault, nobody asks to be sexually violated, and so, to change the status of rape culture, we must first understand that the rapist, who has taken advantage of the innocence, purity and mental stability of his victim is always to blame.
Consequently, rape victims are advised to seek counselling and medical attention in order for them to be groomed back to their normal selves. Also, we should enlighten people about the detriments of rape and how much it affects a person's life negatively.
©Maymunah Kadiri

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Great exposition. Always quote your sources of information used in your write-up. Use quotation marks or at least try to paraphrase if the original idea isn't yours.

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