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(Mind) Your Business

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Everyday, you walk past these asphalts as fast as you could—shunning the world behind each footstep. I know why—your mum told you to always mind your business and now, your business is walking as fast as possible, so fast every tap of your sandal percolates what these streets have to offer.

If you had paused to look around, you could have noticed how men in suits speak English with their worn out Oxfords growing tongues to lick the asphalts clean. I know you were never patient enough to notice how they had zealously haggled those suit somewhere in Yaba, Alaba or Idumota. Yaba is a wave that could have drawn them into a sea of fairly used suits. Alaba and Idumota could have sold them as suits if they didn't know how to apply the word “scrupulous”. If you had stared at the collar long enough, you could have seen the price tag. It shouldn't cost more than a thousand and five hundred Naira. I'm sure it would have reminded you of your first day at the mall, the fancy suits displayed in fancy glasses cost over forty times more.

Well, nothing special about men wearing suits and Oxfords. So you didn't notice.

What about women eating smoke in order to make you eat? With each foreign gas competing with limited oxygen, they hope you'd come over to pick some Moi-Moi-on-the-leaf. Your money could have filtered out the smoke. Since you're breathing undiluted oxygen, you're not a chemist to care if someone is eating smoke or not.

Well, nothing special about women eating smoke. So you didn't notice.

No matter how much you try to shut everything out, yellow noises would always find a way to derail your train of thoughts—to the extent that if a stranger walks up to you for directions to catch a bus, you wouldn't hesitate to give concise coordinates since the names of bus-stops is constant music blaring out of anything yellow—from buses, to tricycles to mini vans.

If only you'd take time to stop and digest your environment, you could have connected all the dots in the painting. You won't. I know why—your mum told you to always mind your business.


© Abdulhameed Ridwan O

— Cranium X
