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Depressed? or just sad?

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The term depression is commonly misused by many youths nowadays, it feels as though it is something to be proud of, to be depressed that is, it has become so easy on their tongues they now take pride in it.
This is wrong, because most youths don't fully understand the term "Depression", so they tag minute feelings of sadness to the agony of depression. Depression, according to learned psychologists, is a state of mind producing long-term sadness and inability to visualize a happy life. It could also be defined as a period of unhappiness or low morale which last longer than several weeks and may include ideation of self inflicted injuries or suicide.
People who suffer from depression may have undergone a loss of a loved one, or a tragic incident that led to loss of material things, this mental disorder comes in as a result of a void in their lives, for they have lost so much that they no longer know what to feel than to feel depressed. It may also be caused by the feeling of an unfulfilled life, people who think that they haven't lived up to their full potential in life and haven't achieved half the things they once pictured they would achieve usually become depressed. This is because they are extremely unhappy with the state of things in their life. Another cause of depression is abuse, this varies from child abuse, molestation, domestic and sexual violence. People who have formally been abused in their lives are prone to have the inability to visualize a happy life, they most times struggle with anxiety, pain and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These disorders lead to depression because they make their victims wary of life and inflict thoughts of self harm in their minds.
The sad part about depression is the casualties. Victims of depression usually end up committing suicide, leaving behind loved ones who never noticed. Some victims, although never commit suicide, persistently inflict pain on themselves, this is known as self harm.
On a lighter note, some victims of depression seek help from therapists and psychologists, and slowly, after series of counselling sessions, they dredge out from the abyss they've been wallowing in and begin to see life in a new perspective.
So, next time before you caption your state of mind as depression, make sure you aren't just suffering from mild sadness.

©Maymunah Kadiri
