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Tomorrow marks the beginning of the 19th week of your Industrial Placement. There is nothing special about number 19, it's just there—bland, like the yellow label tea, especially when you take it with cold water and no sugar. Now you remember Lipton doesn't even brew in cold water. Well, that doesn't change the fact that 19 is bland.

Industrial training has been adventurous. You like adventures, don't you? Adventures like talking about Pythagoras, Fava beans and Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in a linear stencil to the admiration of your supervisor. Your supervisor takes special interest in you and trusts you with several projects—like leaving you in the same room with his wife. Before you freak out, remember you don't even know your supervisor's wife.

You tell everyone that seems to care that you're an intern. Intern sounds more polished—like Kiwi on black leather. In reality, your workplace is racist. Your ID card spells IT STUDENT in block letters. Internship is what you're doing but here, there is a simple difference between IT and Internship—you need the former in the partial fulfillment of your BSc.

You're the nice guy—hardworking and inquisitive. You've formulated procedures by reading trucks of journals because you missed the bandwagon—making you very resourceful. You're the light at the end of the tunnel, people come to you when passing through it. People say nice things about you. Unfortunately, you have a problem.

The problem started when you lost interest in filling up your logbook just after three weeks. You wake up every morning with a strong resolve to dub pages off the web to fill up four white pages of technical notes. It takes finesse and creativity to dub like a pro. You have both. Procrastination is from the devil. This time you outshone him, maybe because you're fairer than he is. You have a dozen weeks unfilled. Out of 18, you manage to complete just 6. So it's exactly a dozen. A dozen weeks piled up because you believe you can do it tomorrow. You know what they say about tomorrow? It never comes. In your case, tomorrow is Monday and it will surely come. This time; with your university supervisor.

© Abdulhameed Ridwan O

— Cranium X.

This topic was modified 6 years ago by The Cranium
