Looking back on my school days, one thing I regret or wish I had done different is in the aspect of making friends. I used to be an introvert or at least I thought I was, I was the type that will stay in my lane unless you talked to me. I had the perfect excuse too: I was the shy type. I minded my own business and I was okay in my own little world.
But then after school, I decided I was tired of the way things were therefore I made up my mind to change. Once I made up my mind, I put it into action and now I find It boring to just stay indoors doing nothing, something I used to enjoy before.
In life, we need people, Relationships matter. Who you know is just as important as what you know, so depriving yourself of making quality acquaintances because you are an introvert is just not worth it. I'll be sharing some tips that can help you overcome shyness/introvertive tendencies.
1.it's all in the mind : it all starts in your mind. A wise man once said "nothing changes unless you change your mind", you need to make up your mind instead of making excuses. Have the mindset that you can make the necessary change, once you've made up your mind then you've taken a step in the right direction.
2. Its a big world : don't always go " me, myself and I ". Think of others and how to make an impact not just those in your immediate circle. Its a whole wide world with lots of people with different ideas: some amazing and others not so amazing. Desire to meet new people and exchange ideas after all no man is an island of knowledge. You need people and people need you, don't limit yourself. You have the power to affect lives in more ways than you can think, get started!
3. Start with who you know: it can be uncomfortable at first maybe a little scary: Meeting new people, learning to be more open and welcoming but you can make it easier by starting with your circle of friends. Go out more, maybe once a week or twice a month and I don't mean just the regular places you visit, go to somewhere new, try something new. This new experience might not sit well with you as an introvert and you might feel like a fish out of water but you can cushion this effect by inviting an old friend to tag along. So you are trying something new in the company of someone familiar, you can also invite a friend of a friend that way you grow your circle of friends. I tell you, its a win-win situation.
It might not be easy at first but you'll be glad you did when you begin to feel the impact of the change. Introvert- extrovert
Is just a thing of the mind so change your mindset today, you can!
©Emmanuel Christianah