I sat down smiling on my bed, I was gushing at the sweet moment i had with him, he was so sweet on bed, I could remember how hard he was coming in, I screamed on top of my voice, it was so sweet.
I said to myself, the wait was worth it. I had refused myself getting into any relationship, I turned down several proposals including his. He kept on pestering me, but my reply was same, NO. But deep down, I knew he looked so sweet, his words could catapult me into third heavens, his smiles were contagious, then his lips 'oh my God', it made me salivated for a kiss. But too bad, I wasn't ready for a relationship.
He bought me gifts i couldn't reject, he sent me data bundles so we could do video calls, then it got to a point I fell for him.
He took me out for the first time, because I had turned down other requests to follow him out. He took me to go watch a movie, a romantic movie, i laid my head on his shoulder as he pampered me while we watched the movie. Everything went normal, we were on our way home when he suddenly stopped me, held my waist with his right hand, then his left hand rubbed my hair, at that point i really wanted it. But he stopped there, I murmured in my mind "why couldn't he at least kiss me". He did the next day, he visited my home, since all my family had gone out, he took his time, he made me so sex hungry, that i was the one that begged for sex. He offed my cloth gently, kissed me passionately, it was the best moments of my life as i screamed and begged for more.
Two weeks later, sweet moments turned bitter, how did i fall so quickly that i couldn't even ask for protections. I'm pregnant, but my sweet lover wouldn't reply my texts, he's turned devil over night..
All that glitter isn't Love
Joel Donald