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Autumn Showers

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Am not sure why it suddenly decided to rain in the middle of the afternoon but i wish i had listened to my roomate when she suggested i took my umbrella. i also wish i had wore a more water-friendly shoe not this suede loafers thats currently soaked through and through. i don't know which is worse, trying to hail a cab or looking for shelter along the road. cold and shivering, i walked down the deserted street.
"please send me someone, anyone." I silently prayed.
i decided to stop under a tree by the road, not the best of shelter but its better than nothing. with my cloth already sticking to me like second skin, i cross my arm across my chest ina fail attempt to ward off the effect of the cold.
"hi there, need a ride?" a male voice said and i turned to see he had parked next to me.
"yes, thank you. i could use the rescuing right now but am not sure you are going my way" i said in an attempt to be polite.
"why not get in first then we'll decide if we are heading the same way or not" he said flashing his pearl white teeth, he sure has a beautiful set of teeth.
"well thank you very much, i really appreciate this" i said as i got into the car.
"here, you can wear this to keep warm" he said handing me his jacket as he pulled back to the road.
"no, i wouldn't want to get your jacket wet. you've done more than enough by giving me a ride" i mentally face palm at my noble idiocy. here i am freezing and am rejecting the offer of a jacket all because i want to be polite, oh screw courtesy!
"i don't mind. you are shivering and besides the chiffon top you are wearing really doesn't cover much once its wet" he said pointing to the top i was wearing and i looked down a bit embarassed.
“thats true...well thank you. Its really thoughtful of you” i said taking the jacket, i wrapped it around myself as much as i could. It really feels warm and smells really nice too. Whatever cologne he's using, I've gat to get me some! We drove in silence unless occasionally where i had to give him direction to my house. We finally got to my house and he parked, i don't remember the distance from work to my house been this short before but then again maybe its because i kept stealing glances at the handsome driver rather than focusing on the road. I wonder if it'll be too forward of me to ask for his number, i really wish to see him again! I mean how often do you meet a handsome guy who's nice and charming at the same time, a real gentleman.

(An excerpt from my book "Autumn Showers")


© Emmanuel Christianah

Member Customer
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 51

Nice story.

I am that kinda gentleman!!

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Interesting... Get rid of the punctuation errors when editing the main text... 
