they discussed as they walked in in the street. Dan's face more red and serious, he was very scared deep inside but emanated confidence on the outside. The looks in his face obviously betrayed his false and showy courageous displays, beating his chest with his hands as if he was being called on the wrestling ring, he looked side - to - side almost every second as if the people in the streets knew their intention. He looked at James who was rather brave and confident, keen and ready for the showdown. The brothers looked at each other periodically, what they were about to do seemed difficult but not impossible, they had thought and made reflections on the move with each of them having their parts to play. A long deafening silence reigned until the frightened Dan broke the impasse
" how are you feeling James, wanna light a cigarette? "
"No, I'm okay"
"You know, it's not gonna be easy at the other end"
"listen Dan, this is a chance, we're not letting it go man"
"Aye" Dan nodded.
They were now closer to Scott's house, Dan got scared the more and James the opposite.
"We can do this" the latter affirmed .
Dan brought out a book, which spelt their plans. They had spent months preparing it. They opened it for the last time debriefing each man's part. Dan was to go inside and James to watch outside for any mishap that might break their plans.
Dan entered quickly, apparently eased of his fears, leaving the doors wide opened as he made his ways for the stairs breathing heavily, he became more scared. He stopped and hesitated before finally opening the door to Scott's room. He chewed his mouth as if he was saying his prayers. He entered quietly but rattled against the table out of fear. He would have been caught if Scott were around he thought.
'Oh!, he winced 'where could it be? " .
He searched the room thoroughly, found nothing but kept searching.
James was becoming tired of the long wait, as he looked back to be sure of keeping his own duty, he saw the physical and hefty Scott, their elder brother.
"This is trouble" he thought.
With no words exchanged, he started a fight with him, maintaining his lines and throwing his punches simultaneously. But the physical Scott appeared the better of the duo, a southpaw with fine dexterity, he biffed James repeatedly on the face and he passed out.
Scott ran up the stairs speedily and surged towards his room, he opened the door and found Dan who fell to his face immediately.
"What the hell" Dan exclaimed.
Alabi M. A. Marquez