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Silver lining in the bad soup

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This hot Thursday afternoon, the whole team decided to go out for lunch. This week had been the most hectic in the past month. Tons and tons of job coming in from different clients. And there is this design we have to submit tomorrow — a design for a company's logo. All ideas have been pulled together but no tangible results yet. As graphic designers, we have to think and bring our ingenuity to work. Once a client discards your job, that's the end. So, we leave no rooms for excuses.

The sun blistered our faces like we were on a volcanic mountain. We decided to change taste and try a new buka since we have gotten tired of the old ones. It was Folake, the only skirt among us who brought up the idea. One thing you should know about Folake is that she's a maverick!

I shouldn't have stepped into this restaurant, (sorry it's a buka) with the other guys if I knew this is what would happen! The place is nice looking with soft highlife music playing in the background. We all ordered for same thing since we needed to get back to work as soon as possible. A plate of Eba and waterleaf soup! That was the mistake we made— Waterleaf soup! We could have just asked for ogbono or something. The eba was nice and inviting but once I dipped my fingers into it, I realised this was not meant for me. Eba as thick as concrete, I doubt if bricklayers would be able to eat this. If they could, then it's not me. I can't afford my stomach being plastered. As for the waterleaf soup, it had already lost the prestige of being called one. It looked like the leaf, the oil and the remainder of the soup are in world war III. And the soup was so watery, I wondered if they expected us to sip the oily fluid after getting our stomach plastered with the concrete of eba.

Amidst the boondocks of confusion. Sege, the project manager jumped up like someone hit with 500V electricity and said “Here it is!”. We all looked at him like he's nuts. “This is the inspiration for the new design” pointing to the soup before him. “The leaf, the oil and the red sea” he laughed.

We all laughed too, not because it was funny but at least, our coming here wasn't in vain.

— Abdulhameed Ridwan O

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