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Far Away From Home

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I opened my eyes gently and found myself on the floor surprisingly, had I fallen off my bed, I sat up and looked at my hands,"Whaaa....", I said, staring at the chains in my hand, confused, "where I'm I?", I asked myself, I looked around the hut, people were all around, sitting down all in chains, " shouldn't be what I'm thinking", I said to myself, I turned to the person beside me in tears, "where I'm I?", the man shook his head. He didn't understand me, he was probably from another village. I walked around asking everyone, where I was, they didn't understand me or maybe they pretended not to understand me, tears filled my eyes, I sat down and cried bitterly.

"Mama...", I said as I thought of my mother, I'm sure she'll be worried about me, the door of the hut opened suddenly, a black hefty man entered the hut and looked around, I think he was counting us, a white man entered into the hut as well, "white man...", I whispered, "Baba...", I said as my heart was filled was sadness, I was going to be sold just as my father had sold others, did my father sell me? I was confused, why will Baba sell me? I didn't understand, "no", I said crying, Baba would never sell me, I'm his favourite daughter, the princess of Akute land.

I woke up to the noise in the hut. I was damn hungry and weak, it has been two days and I hadn't eaten anything, how I miss home, there was always more than enough to eat, I forced myself to sit up on realized that something was being shared to us, food, it was brown in colour and squared shaped, I watched others eat it up quickly, I did the same, it wasn't sweet, neither was it bitter, I wanted more though but I guess there wasn't going to be any.... few moments later five hefty men entered the hut and made us to all stand up, in a straight line we were all taken outside, I looked at the village we were in and saw the King on his chair with two white men, my mind went back to Akute, I remembered the times father also sat down and watched the white men take the slaves away, the captives from the other villages.

Chains in our legs and our hands we walked towards a big car, the back of the car was vast and empty, I wondered how everyone would be able to fit into the back as we were many, other people had joined us, maybe I'll find an Akuter man or woman, I said to myself

© Oshafunmi Omolola. 


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Posted in wrong forum. Short stories are not meant to be here.

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ohhh....thank you
