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Dele's face was set on edge as he fought to keep his mind in control.Then Granny Jemi entered.
"My child"
"Hmm", Dele muttered absentmindedly.
" How did your day go "
Dele ran through the same tales he always did- school was nice, no accidents, no fights, nice teachings and on and on...... But when he got to the stage of Chinwe's encounter. He knew he couldn't just bring himself to tell her. Quick panic filled his heart. This was the only thing he had ever hidden from Granny.
All his life, he had always told her everything that had happened to him. He had come to live with Granny Jemi at 6 years. Just after his parents died in a plane crash. From the petty quarrels he had with his mates as he grew up and the pranks they played as children, he had always spilled them out to Granny Jemi. Even as he grew, their late night meeting ritual where he always told all that happened in his day was maintained. Even when the girls started coming, he always told Granny Jemi. When Nancy had tried to force him to kiss her in Jss3 and he ran off he told Granny; when Sarah sent her incessant letters he always told Granny. And she always had one advice for him," Set the girls on their way and dont get involved ". It was she who told that a Christian boy wasnt supposed to be involved in such. He believed her. It was because of she, he had always fended off the girls, and told them no.
But then Chinwe came into the picture.It was rather different. Apart from her irresistible beauty that sets his soul to burn, she's got that je ne sais quoi that distinguishes a normal girl from a special one. Her set of white teeth when it's widened, the sparkle when she smiles, her eloquence when she speaks and her friendly attitudes towards everybody. Dele couldn't give her up to some no-effective stories granny has told, 'I ain't giving up on her, never'. Even Dele's attitude changed, his mode of dressing, time given to studies and his speech delivery all had high increase respectively.
      Not telling Granny Jemi went on to become him going extra miles with Chinwe. Dele who normally in school was at the forefront of those criticising people in Boy and girl relationship now became its foremost campaigner. The climax came when he wrote in his Waec past questions booklet,"my name is love and i have lost my mind". Soon after the booklet got missing and he never knew it was in Granny's care it had found its way to.
    Then one fateful day, just before their penultimate Waec examination, Chinwe led Dele to the back of the school fence. She planted a big kiss on his lips and stood looking lazily into his eyes. Dele stood transfixed. This was a first.
Chinwe whispered quietly into his ears, "After this exams, Dele... My parents are not at home and I want you to come home with me and make me feel like a woman". Chinwe went further to run a seductive rub along his back and lean her bosom on Dele's chest which she found to be beating wildly.
    Dele just stood, rooted to the spot. His mind was in turmoil. His hormones were already reacting wildly, urging him to seize the chance. But his years of Christian sunday school banged at the back of his head. Granny Jemi's teaching started coming back, urging him to flee. He did want to flee. But the gentle scent of Chinwe's scented hair and the cool press of her firm and young breasts against his chest tore away his reasoning. His mind was tottering wildly, waves and waves of passion swept through his entire frame. He agreed to tell her his decision after the exams
     All through the day's exams. He couldn't concentrate. Well, after the exam, he decided to go off with Chinwe to her house which he did. And the had sexual intercourse.
    On his way going home, he felt used and worthless. His mind was an ocean of confusion and his heart wept bitterly. He resolved to tell Granny the moment he got home. He had always told her everything and she always found a way out for him. Surely this time around wouldn't be different.
Great shock awaited him when he got home. Granny Jemi lay dead in her room, with her Bible on her right side and Dele's waec past question booklet where he had written "my name is love and i have lost my mind.


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