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"it's a myth" she thought "how could that be true?, it's just an animal. 

She was in this thoughts before her mum's voice broke the weak bond. 


"mir", she left her room, went to the living room and stretched out her tongue in mockery, her usual way of making jest of Junior, her younger brother. Tade was 12, Junior 10. Both were rivals and always picked a quarrel at every opportunity no matter how Slim. Their gender, likes, hobbies and all other things were different, the only common trait they shared was mischief. It was Junior who told Tade about how turkeys chased people whenever that said foul words at them, she never believed though, looking forward to a day to experiment her mischief practically. She laughed periodically whenever she remembered her plan, "let's see what happens, if that little pathetic thing would give a chase" , she laughed again, this time heavily and it was her mum's call that ended her euphoria, she smirked. 

"Tade, Tade !!!"

"I'm coming mir", she ran towards her room. 


Tade walked briskly through the front door and into the compound, making sure that none saw her or heard her light footsteps, she ensured she made no sounds with them as she headed for the Turkey's cage which was wide opened. She laughed again as she tried to remember the exact words. 

"O le wu to adiye (You can't be as big as the hen) ",she shouted as she remembered. She laughed again, pointing her hands towards the turkey. But, gradually, the turkey spreaded her feathers until it was bigger than it was or used to be. Tade's smile shortened, she sensed trouble and her body system changed, from being happy and having fun to anxiety and fear. 

"What is this? "she yelled. 

Making a volte face as she shouted. She sped with all her might rallying the compound as the turkey followed, akimbo, with no signs of stopping. 

Her continuous help me song was later met by the ready ears of her father, he stormed out to see what was wrong and saw her daughter in a race to finish with their turkey, he couldn't laugh, he knew what condition Tade was in. He quickly dashed into the gap between them, stopping the turkey and chased it back. Tade didn't stop running, her adrenalin was still very much effective. This time Junior and their mum were outside too, it was Junior's victorious day, he laughed hysterically. "Victory! Victory!! " He shouted. 

This topic was modified 6 years ago 3 times by Ajmaverick


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Please give replies when you read guys. 


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Needs a lot of editing...

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can you do that for me sire? 


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Sorry, my plate is full.  ? 
