"My son, when will you desist from this dirty behavior? You go out every night to steal Mama Bola's fried chicken. Can't you see she wakes up very early in the morning to fry the already chopped pieces, and sell to the villagers? She has warned whoever the thief is, to stop stealing her chicken, and I know you are the culprit," Mama Ade opened his bag and took out the stolen meats.
"Ehn Mommy," he frowned his face and folded his arms. "How much do you give me? I don't steal o!" he looked away.
"You this boy, I have told you to be contented with what you have. Sebi you don't want to listen? I won't say any other thing to you. If you are caught peren, you will face the music," she dropped his bag in annoyance and walked away.
Ade shrugged off the words of his mother, then ate the chicken.
After many weeks of warning by Mama Bola, she decided to drug the chicken she would sell one day. It was a drug of confession. She did and went back inside.
Ade went to where she kept the fried chicken and stole some pieces, then ran away. When Mama Bola came out, she noticed the chicken had reduced.
"Who is this smart thief? Today is your judgement day anyway," she fumed.
As usual, he ate the chicken after his Mom had gone out. Within two minutes, his mouth became four times its normal size. His nose expanded and became as big as a medium-sized pot, then a crown like a hen's grew on his head.
"Ah, I will talk ooo. Please, help me!" he ran outside started rolling on the ground. Villagers were surprised, some ran away, while others stood round him to form a ring. "Yeeeahhh, I have been the one stealing Mama Bola's chicken. Please, forgive me! My mama warned me o, but I refused to listen."
The present villagers watched on with widened eyes, until Mama Bola arrived at the scene.
"So, it's you, Ade! Thief! Thief! God has caught you! We are taking you to the king!"
When the king heard what had happened, he ordered his guards to beat Ade up with canes of different sizes.
After he had been beaten, Mama Bola poured some palm oil on him, so that the crown on his head would disappear, and his mouth and nose become normal.
Ade feeling weak, went home and apologized to his Mom, and promised to be a changed boy.
Apata Victor
"It was a drug of confession..."
Lol... What on earth is that?