I was in Fadéké's house, mourning her death, everyone was crying which I was also devastated on the floor, I have lost myself in a deep thought, I don't know when I speak out, saying "if she had know that the world is full of evils, she wouldn't have make anything attempt to be a good girl as she is truly was, she wouldn't have trusted me also not to talk of anyone, I know, I will be killed for this". Every body in the house concentrated at me and her mother asked in horribleness "Ayomidé, what have you just said? Do you know who killed my daughter?", I replied in a faint voice, "I think I do", everyone in the house then chorus was "Haaa! You knew, and you keep quiet, you're a bad friend" then I deny their thoughts "No! Its not what you people think, the story goes thus, I and Fadékémí were coming from a night fellowship, then we heard a noisy sound of several legs, we then hide behind a bungalow, we saw 3 huge guys pounced on a guy with axe and they cut him in to pieces. we are scared at the corner we were, after those armed guys left, we went closer to the dead guy, fortunately at where we were, Fadékémí has snapped those guys at the scene, she said she will report those guys to the police and I warned her not to do so which she agreed, I don't know when she later go to the station to report the brutal incident to the Police. Not knowing that the boy that was killed has issue with the DPO of where Fadékémí took her report to. I knew all this lately when she came back home, she narrated the whole story to me.
The DPO has been in need of a child since 30 years after his marriage which God denies him. his wife then felt ashamed and hope to stop this feelings, she tried all her possible best to get his man at least a child. After all the threaten her husband's family threatened her got her afraid, then she made an effort. She stoop so low to have sex with their gateman.
Finally, she's pregnant and the DPO thought 'at last, our prayer is answered'. He was shocked when he find out that he has been nurturing a bastard since while, he then planned to kill the gate man, his wife and the day the guy got killed was a day to his induction in a medical school.
Fadékémí told me all this story not knowing she's in trap also. And she mentioned me to the Police that we both witnessed the dead scene. Won't they come after me too?"
Mukhtar Ma'ruf Abdul-Azeez
©The Peak Of The Legend