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There is a law of retribution, a law of nature, called 'Karma.' It is powerful, moves round the world to fish out what had been wrong by an individual or a group of persons, making them part their lips to regrets or pay for their past sins.

The law of retribution states to everyone that what they sow is what they will reap. He who sows evil shall reap evil, and he who sows good shall reap good. It is an impartial law that plays its role effectively.

It is the law that says to everyone, "I am reward myself; the reward that rewards you with what you do." No one knows how it works, but later come to see its rewarding hand.

"We have done this now, and our secrets will never be open," many evildoing individuals said. They forgot to see that the buried body was having one of his legs out. They forgot to know that their secrets would be made known to everyone; they forgot to know that vengeance would cry at the perfect time. The day of fishing eventually arrived, and they were made scapegoats.

If ye have head, it is very advisable that you cover it, that you know what you do, that you never stop doing good, that you desist from evil; because the hand the rewards moves round and round, looking for one to reward at the perfect time.

The hand that rewards, rewards at the best time; it has a perfect timing and misses not its day. The hand that rewards may look slow in reactions, but it is never slow, because it knows when to cry; it is judgement itself.

At the end of it all, it says to the good-doing people, "Eat of the good I come with," and to the evil-doing people, "Eat of the evil I come with." The hand that rewards, moves round and round, looking for one to reward. Never stop doing good, never stop acting good, never stop sharing good, for the hand that rewards would at the best time, feed you with all the good you do now.

Victor Apata

