To someone reading this, stop comparing your life to someone else's. Why do you have to, and forget yours has been planned in a special way as others? Everyone has his own time or season to bring forth or produce sweet fruits.Why forget that there can't be another you in this life? Don't you know you are a seed?
Look, some are like pawpaw trees which could take 5-7 years before producing its ripe self; some are like banana trees which take 2-3 years to form its ripe self, and others like the cherry trees which take 4-7 years. Why begin to compare to change your life to a different tree you weren't made to become?
The sweet cherry trees take 4-7 years, while the sour cherry trees take 3-5 years. Why push your life so hard that you let it give a sour taste and not a sweet one, all because you want your season to come just right now? Why want what shouldn't happen now happen so soon?
That your neighbor was made a banana tree, shouldn't push you to become the same. His or her season arrived already, why not wait for yours to come? Why take a different route that'd later tear you apart, all because of comparison?
Comparison is a thief, the more you embrace it, the more it steals your joy, and the more you do, the more you are distracted; the more you do, the more your dreams become nightmares, and the more you do, your goodness slips off your hands.
What you are to do is to keep doing what you love to do, passionately, and excel at doing what your passion is and only focus on perfecting it. You've got to believe in yourself, in your abilities, and maximize it. You must never stop believing in yourself.
The moment you begin to do this, you are going to start seeing something we call a DIFFERENCE. The difference in your former self to now, this difference makes you see a lightshining so bright within you, that those around you would be illuminated by.If you are a singer, an artist, a drummer, a playwright, etc, get better by learning to improve, and not comparing to compete.
Your life is your life, not a competition with others. When you wake up in the morning, look at the mirror right in front of you and smile. Say to yourself, "Today is the first day of the rest of my life, I am going to give my all in becoming who I was made to become."
Therefore, be your own cheerleader. Stop comparing yourself with others and focus on how you can become the best version of you.
Victor Apata
© Vikjtaar