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Night, when we hear the word, makes our heart picture the last part of a day; a dark image endowed with silence.

But at this particular time, we could also picture numerous ongoing activities. These activities are different to daytime's.

To list a few, we hear the crickets chirp continuously, entertain us with their music, and call us to have a look at them, as they flaunt their wealth of green lights around.

At this time, we hear gunshots from distance. Armed robbers and hired assassins are busy executing their work, causing pain and agony to several people. Sharp cries are heard--- oh, some become victims of rape. How helpless they become.

More gunshots are heard at this time--- the armed forces are out doing their best to protect citizens and their properties. Pattering of running feet are heard altogether. We lay in our bed with fear as we hear more gunshots--- our minds tell us killings are taking place.

At this time, the demonic beings come alive, and get into operations. They unleash their dangerous fangs and venoms on the ones they wish to poison or execute. It is their time to eat meals and drink drinks of the unsaved.

At this time, many sleep, while a very few rise up to pray against evil forces, as they try make themselves immune to the woes of life and untouchable.

Night time makes itself a period when students of various schools stay up to study for the upcoming tests and examinations. Who would want to fail?

Night-- a time many lovers consider to have romantic and sexual encounters; a time many see to be uniquely made for special love making-- a time to show love in its most intimate way.

Night-- is a time to sleep, and a time to lay down the day's worries. Night, how calm it is, but how turbulent it can be.

Victor Apata

