Let's all imagine a tree that was planted by the river side, bearing precious fruits, as people go and pluck some to eat, but was then cut down. There is a word called 'Hope,' which is suddenly planted inside the people. This hope makes them believe that one day, the tree would grow again, and begin to produce fruits.
Daily, they go there to check how far it has grown, and watch its development. The feeling of expectations and the desire that they will eat fruits from that particular tree remain established within them. This is what hope is. Believing all will become good once again.
In every situation we find ourselves, I will like us to turn on the lights of hope to illuminate our world, and conceive that all will turn around for good.
A student that fails a paper can always hope that he would make it next time. Hope doesn't require us to stop believing that good things will come our way; it requires that we keep all things surrounding a situation alive, despite the difficulties.
Hope calls us to be patient and not give up. Just like the example given, we see that the people who were once eating fruits from the tree had to remain patient for it to grow again, when it was cut down. Hope requires that we wait patiently for the best that it will bring us.
Hope finally asks that we never stop watering our situations with good expectations. In some situations, our cut down trees might not be beside a river. Here, hope requires that we water the tree. The watering of the tree promotes the belief of greater days ahead. If not watered, it gets dry. We keep trusting, anticipating that all will go well.
Hope is a powerful tool in life, he who has it not, loses a great portion of the good life has in stored for them. It doesn't have just a meaning, depending on the situation we find ourselves.
Victor Apata