ANSA Poet of the Month Award

The nominees are:

1. AJ Maverick for his poem, Hopeless

2. AJ Maverick for his poem, Who will save the black child?

3. Victoria Ukpaka for her poem, Nostalgia

Not enough wins (minimum 3/4) to clinch award.

ANSA Poetry Collabo of the Month Award

The nominees are:

1. Israel Onoruoiza & AJ Maverick for their poem, ANSA Anthem

2. AJ Maverick & Israel Onoruoiza for their poem, Wheels of love

Not enough wins (minimum 3/4) to clinch award.

ANSA Children’s Literature Writer of the Month Award

The nominee is:

AJ Maverick for his entry, The white bulb

Not enough wins (minimum 3/4) to clinch award.

ANSA Non-Fiction Writer of the Month Award

The nominees are:

1. Ndibe David for his entry, Addiction

2. Christianah Emmanuel for her entry, This life

Not enough wins (minimum 3/4) to clinch award.

Most Popular Literary Work

The nominees are:

1. Israel Onoruoiza & AJ Maverick for their poem, ANSA Anthem

2. Victoria Ukpaka for her poem, Nostalgia

And the winner is… Israel Onoruoiza & AJ Maverick for their poem, ANSA Anthem

Special Award Category (ANSA 100 Days Poetry Challenge)

The nominee is:

Lawal Eneye

And the winner is… Lawal Eneye for successfully completing the #100DaysPoetryProject.

Highest Nominations

The nominees are:

1. Israel Onoruoiza (3)

2. AJ Maverick (6)

3. Victoria Ukpaka (2)

And the winner is… AJ Maverick with 6 nominations.

Highest Award Wins

The nominees are:

1. AJ Maverick (2)

2. Israel Onoruoiza (1)

3. Lawal Eneye (1)

And the winner is… AJ Maverick with 2 award wins!

There you have it… Our ANSA Medal of Honour recipients!


Congrats to the best writers of June 2019!


ANSA… for the love of writing