ANSA Poet of the Week Award

The nominees are:

1. Akinwole John Akintayo for his entry, My memoir during the night

2. Victoria Ukpaka for her poem, Give me today

3. Israel Onoruoiza for his poem, The dead tree speaks

And the winner is… The prize will be shared by all three finalists!

ANSA Short Story Writer of the Week Award

The nominees are:

1. Victor Apata for his entry, Angela

2. Akinwole John Akintayo for his entry, Action, not words

3. Sandra Egbujie for her entry, The choice I made

And the winner is… Akinwole John Akintayo for his entry, Action, not words

ANSA Children’s Literature Writer of the Week Award

The nominee is:

Victor Apata for his entry, A lesson

And the winner is… Victor Apata for his entry, A lesson

ANSA Quote of the Week Award

The nominee is:

Victoria Ukpaka, In life, there are always choices. Choosing nothing is still a choice. Choosing the easiest way out in a sticky situation is still a choice.”

And the winner is… Victoria Ukpaka, In life, there are always choices. Choosing nothing is still a choice. Choosing the easiest way out in a sticky situation is still a choice.”

There you have it… Our ANSA Medal of Honour recipients!


Thanks to all who participated.

Congrats to the winners!


ANSA… for the love of writing